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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Circle 100

Circle 100 is a trusted circle of committed philanthropists who support CARE's vision of a world free from extreme poverty by sharing their expertise and investing in CARE's future.

Circle 100 logo

What is Circle 100?

CARE is a global leader in a worldwide movement dedicated to empowering women and girls, ending poverty, and achieving social justice. Founded in 1945, when 22 American organizations came together to rush lifesaving CARE Packages® to survivors of World War II, CARE now works in 111 countries, and reaches 174 million people each year.

CARE projects range from emergency response to health, food and water access, climate, women at work, and gender equality programs. At the core of our mission is empowering and lifting up the lives of women and girls. Yet, it’s clear that we can and must do more. It is supporters, like you, who will help us define our path forward toward a world where all people can live free from poverty no matter where they are born.

Circle 100 is a nationwide group of CARE’s most generous partners, who bring their resources, connections, and expertise to bear and who work shoulder to shoulder with CARE to build relevant, sustainable solutions to create a world where all people live with dignity and security. Our partners lead, educate and inspire others to increase engagement on global issues and to drive demonstrable impact. Circle 100 members build a platform of flexible financial support that strengthens CARE’s programmatic work and invests in CARE’s mission and vision.

Join Circle 100

Become a Circle 100 member with an outright gift or pledge (over up to four years) of $100,000 or more in flexible and agile capital to CARE.

Circle 100 benefits include:

  • A members’ only annual gathering with CARE President and CEO, Michelle Nunn
  • Conversations with CARE’s leadership from country offices around the world to better understand the challenges CARE is facing on the ground.
  • Program focused events with CARE leaders in the field 3x/year
  • Priority access for an invitation to travel with CARE to the field to witness the impact of your support firsthand.
  • VIP invitations and access to CARE special events.

For more information about Circle 100, email: Circle100@care.org