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CARE Launches New Partnership to Scale Climate Change Adaptation Solutions for Small-Scale Producers

Karin Schermbrucker / CARE

Karin Schermbrucker / CARE

CARE is thrilled to welcome four social enterprises – Kickstart, Jibu, Sistema, and Ujuzi Kilimo to its new global initiative to scale innovative solutions for small-scale producers to help them adapt to climate change: the CARE Scaling Network.

The climate crisis is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. While the entire planet is affected by climate change, few groups experience its impacts as sharply as the world’s 600+ million small-scale producers, about half of whom are women. These farmers, fishermen and women, and pastoralists are responsible for more than 30 percent of the global food supply and are at the greatest risk of being pushed into poverty if current trends continue. CARE has developed one of the world’s largest networks of small-scale producers, including in some of the hardest-to-reach communities and those most impacted by climate change. CARE recognizes the urgency of supporting these vulnerable populations and is connecting our global network with innovative, proven, and sustainable solutions for climate change adaptation and resilience.

The CARE Scaling Network

To address this urgent challenge, the CARE Scaling Network launched an open call for proposals from social enterprises that have demonstrated a proven impact in multiple country contexts and possess a compelling business plan for scaling their solutions to the climate crisis. By leveraging its extensive global network, CARE aims to amplify the reach and impact of these solutions, benefiting thousands of small-scale producers and contributing to global climate change adaptation efforts.

The Four Chosen Social Enterprises

After receiving 200+ applications from around the world and leading a rigorous, expert-led review process, CARE has identified four social enterprises to join the CARE Scaling Network: Kickstart, Jibu, Sistema, and Ujuzi Kilimo. The selected enterprises will each receive a $50,000 grant to co-design and pilot a partnership model to scale their innovative solutions for CARE’s networks of small-scale producers, working closely with CARE USA teams including their Country Offices.

These pilots will leverage CARE’s deep expertise in gender-responsive programming to contextualize solutions and ensure they meet the unique needs of women, without creating additional harm. The goal is to empower communities with the tools they need to adapt to climate change and strengthen their resilience against its impacts.

“With the launch of the CARE Scaling Network, a new cohort of social enterprise partners, CARE is taking a bold approach to address the climate crisis and its disproportionate impact on small-scale producers, with a focus on women. By connecting our global network with innovative social enterprises, CARE seeks to empower small-scale producers to adapt in the face of climate change.” said Christabell Makokha, Senior Director, Innovation, CARE.

“We believe that by collaborating with selected partners through the CARE Scaling Network, we can achieve far-reaching impact to advance small-scale producers’ adaptation and resilience. Our focus is not only on immediate solutions but also on fostering sustainable scalability beyond the pilot phase, making a lasting difference in the lives of small-scale producers.” said Anita Sundari Akella, Director, Impact at Scale, CARE.

The launch of the CARE Scaling Network represents a major step forward in the fight against climate change. By leveraging the power of innovative social enterprises and its extensive network of small-scale producers, CARE is empowering vulnerable communities to adapt and build resilience in the face of climate change.


About CARE

Founded in 1945 with the creation of the CARE Package®, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside women and girls. Equipped with the proper resources, women and girls have the power to lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty. This year, CARE and partners worked in 111 countries implementing 1,600 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects and initiatives that reached 174,000,000 people.

To learn more, visit www.care.org


For more information please contact:

Michael de Vulpillieres
CARE USA Director, Media and Communications