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CSIS: Michelle Nunn joined The Truth of The Matter podcast to discuss the global hunger crisis

CARE’s President and CEO, Michelle Nunn, sat down with Andrew Schwartz on The Truth of The Matter podcast to discuss CARE’s new report on the current global hunger crisis, its many causes, and how to provide effective relief to all those in need.

“We need to do more as a global community to respond to this hunger crisis. We need to make sure that we are making the requisite investments, and that includes both emergency responses to stave off hunger and even famine-like conditions in certain countries. It also means that we need to invest in the infrastructure and the resiliency that will help to ensure that we don’t have a similarly significant hunger crisis in the next couple of years,” said Michelle Nunn, President and CEO of CARE USA.

You can also listen to the full podcast on www.csis.org