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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Media Partnerships

CARE is proud to partner with media companies to increase our programmatic impact and build more in-depth awareness and engagement on international issues.

Ways we partner with media platforms

Media buying

Brand lift

Selling together

Paid media packages that drive CARE supporters to donate

Remnant ad space donated to CARE for brand lift / engagement.

Create special ad bundles for CARE to market / sell to our corporate partners

Paid media packages that identify/recruit new CARE Supporters

Media packages that drive social behavioral change communication (donated)

Custom campaign ideas to increase revenue for both

Media packages that drive social behavioral change communication

Keyed to CARE moments and campaign windows

Joint pitches to brands that want to adopt a cause campaign or have women’s empowerment as a CSR focus

Learn more about CARE

Learn about the CARE Package

75 years after World War II, the CARE Package has evolved and today powers change in new, lasting ways.

Learn more
Read our 2021 annual report

In 2021, CARE worked in 102 countries, reaching more than 100 million people through more than 1,400 programs. We launched our Fast and Fair initiative, providing vaccine delivery to at least 100 million people.

Read the report

Interested in learning more?

Contact Jessica Kirkwood at jessica.kirkwood@care.org to connect with us.

Looking for editorial opportunities?

Reach out to one of our contacts in press resources.