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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Everett Harper

CEO and Co-Founder of Truss, The Infrastructuralists

Everett Harper

Everett Harper is the CEO and Co-Founder of Truss, The Infrastructuralists. Everett’s expertise is in customer development, combining behavior research and ethnography to define winning products and services. He honed these skills as Director of Customer Acquisition and Community at Linden Lab (maker of Second Life). He was the lead product manager for the Bottlenotes mobile app which won a Webby Honoree designation. Earlier, he was Director of Special Projects at Self-Help, a leading community development finance institution (CDFI), where his work was instrumental in creating the CDFI Fund, which has made $3.6B in loans to underserved communities. Everett started his career at Bain & Co, a top strategy consulting firm. He graduated from Stanford University with a MBA and M.Ed in Learning, Design and Technology and Duke University, Biomedical & Electrical Engineering, where he was an A.B. Duke Scholar. Everett lives in Oakland, CA, making limoncello when life hands him lemons. Everett joined CARE’s Board of Directors in 2017.