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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

English Sall

Board Member, Sall Family Foundation

English Sall

English Sall is a data enthusiast and researcher at heart. She is a board member of the Sall Family Foundation and pursuing the role of a next gen philanthropist. English is currently pursuing her PhD in Industrial Organizational Psychology (IOP) at North Carolina State University. English specializes in Humanitarian Work Psychology and is especially interested in how IOP can be applied to cross-cultural leadership and work-force development within informal economies. She is co-founder of an organization called Impact Thread. Using industrial organizational psychology Impact thread addresses workforce and organizational development through the lens of social good. Throughout her undergraduate and graduate career English has gained diverse experience designing research projects and utilizing applied analytics in the space of Humanitarian Work Psychology.

English is a recipient of The Dedication Medal from the Red Cross for dedication to providing Life Saving Blood Services as well as receiving several recognitions for her work with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. English is also a board member of Aspen Management Partnership for Health, The EndFund and Jacaranda. Before co-founding Impact Thread, English was co-director for Aspen Institute’s Impact Careers Initiative. English has also worked as a Data Strategist Fellow with Organize and as a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists-United Nations Liaison team. English joined CARE’s Board of Directors in 2018.