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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Eric D. Johnson


General Counsel

Eric D. Johnson

Eric Johnson serves as General Counsel for CARE USA. He joined CARE in 2005 as Associate General Counsel and later as Deputy General Counsel, ascending to the General Counsel role in 2013. In that role, Eric provides overall legal leadership for various topics relating to CARE USA’s international operations, intellectual property, government regulation and compliance, risk management, marketing and solicitation compliance, ethics, tax, employment, immigration, trusts and estates, insurance, advocacy and lobbying, litigation, social enterprise, microfinance and general corporate matters. Eric manages CARE USA’s Legal Department as well as a network of paid and pro bono legal counsel in the US and overseas, and develops and facilitates training programs in legal, ethics and compliance.

Before joining CARE, Eric practiced law for the relief and development organization World Vision in Washington, DC from 2002 to 2005, and prior to that in the boutique firm of Jarrard & Richard in Bethesda, MD from 1998-2001. Before law school, he worked for AMIDEAST in Washington, DC, an international charity focusing on education and training in the Middle East.

Eric spent five years as a child in Cairo, Egypt, and his family later lived in East Jerusalem, Israel for 10 years. This experience led to his interests in the work of international charities. He received his J.D. from Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY in May 1998, and his B.A. from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, in May 1992. He and his wife Megan live in Decatur, GA with their three sons.