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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Deepmala Mahla


Vice President of Humanitarian Affairs

Deepmala Mahla headshot

Dr. Deepmala Mahla currently serves as CARE’s Vice President of Humanitarian Affairs, and has also served as Regional Director for Asia. Prior to that she has served as Country Director in Iraq and South Sudan with Mercy Corps and in Uganda with Marie Stopes International. She has also held senior leadership positions in Yemen, the UK, Indonesia, and India while working with Oxfam GB, CARE, International Center for Research on Women, International HIV/AIDS Alliance, and UNICEF.

Deepmala has worked for two decades designing and implementing humanitarian and development programs in some of the most complex and fragile environments, ranging from the Middle East to Africa to Asia. She is a strong humanitarian voice influencing actively for better of most vulnerable communities and protection of aid workers; with distinct expertise in advocacy and communications. In addition to her first degree in History, Economics and Philosophy, Deepmala holds an MA in Anthropology and PhD in reproductive health of women in rural Rajasthan.

Follow on Twitter: @Deepmala_Mahla