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CARE's Work with the United Nations

A woman holding a bucket smiles.

CARE works with the United Nations to ensure that the rights of women, small-scale farmers, food system workers, the underrepresented, and marginalized populations are protected and prioritized in global food system markets and policies.

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2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit

CARE has been instrumental in the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit. This Summit will launch bold new actions to deliver progress on all 17 sustainable development goals, each of which relies to some degree on healthier, more sustainable, and equitable food systems. The Summit will raise awareness to the idea that we all must work together to transform the world’s food systems. And the urgency of bold action is more important than ever before, as COVID-19 has further exacerbated the inequalities embedded in every aspect of global food systems. When our food systems fail, it is not only global nutrition that is threatened, but education, health, livelihoods, human rights, peace, and security, are at risk worldwide. And those who are already marginalized feel this reality the most: women, small-scale farmers, fisherfolk, Indigenous peoples, and seasonal and migrant workers.

The Summit aims to develop and implement solutions that will generate measurable progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by elevating public discussion about reforming our food systems; developing principles to guide governments and stakeholders to leverage food systems; and creating a system of follow-up to ensure that progress is made well after the Summit ends.

The Summit is guided by five Action Tracks, that bring together actors from across the world’s food systems and explore how key, cross-cutting levers of change such as human rights, finance, innovation, and the empowerment of women and young people can be mobilized to meet the Summit’s objectives.

Action Track 4: Advancing Equitable Livelihoods

Action Track 4 (AT4), Advancing Equitable Livelihoods, is chaired by CARE CEO, Michelle Nunn. CARE is dedicated to overcoming the inequalities that prevent food systems from delivering sustainable and equitable livelihoods. AT4 is specifically focused on ensuring that food systems development creates jobs to eliminate poverty, raises incomes across food value chains, reduces risk for the most marginalized, and increases value distribution. AT4’s work examines the impact this has on production, consumption patterns, people’s nutrition, and livelihoods.

Too often the ones who are producing our food are the first to go hungry. AT4 solutions prioritize the most vulnerable actors in food systems and put the dignity of those who produce our food first, in an effort to ensure their human and labor rights and promote their livelihoods. To learn more about Action Track 4 and the other UN Food Systems Summit, check out the online community platform and read about the Action Track Solution Clusters.

A woman wearing a patterned shirt and hat smiles at a table stacked with fish. She smiles and rests her hand on the table.

UN Food Systems Summit Resources

CARE, IFAD, IFPRI, and other NGO Resources

IFPRI Guest Blog: "Nine more harvests to transform our food systems: Let's make them count for everyone, everywhere, and for all time"

Read the blog at IFPRI

Action Track 4 Discussion Starter

A description of AT4’s overall focus.

Read the PDF

Solution Cluster 4.2.4: Ensuring the Right to Social Protection and Promoting Living Income and Wages of All Agri-Food System Workers

Read more on the Food Systems platform

Solution Cluster 4.3.3: Strengthening Sustainable Territorial Development

Read more on the Food Systems platform

IFAD Video: Promoting entrepreneurship for women in local food systems in Tunisia

Over 15% of the population in Tunisia is unemployed. One woman explains how unemployment has affected her and her family.

Watch the video on YouTube

IFAD Video: Livelihoods through market-based vegetable gardens in Gambia

Across the world, millions of young rural women are capable of making a good living from the land around them, but often they don't have the funds to get started. IFAD and the Government of Gambia have helped people like 24-year-old Fatou get started.

Watch the video on YouTube

IFAD Video: Youth banana processing business thriving in Kenya despite the pandemic

Take some young entrepreneurs, add some modern equipment and training supported by IFAD and the Kenyan Government, spread the word using digital marketing, and you have all the ingredients for a successful banana processing factory. When COVID-19 locked down their factory in Nyeri, Kenya, the G-Star team used their social media savvy to find new customers online.

Watch the video on YouTube

IFAD Video: Economic empowerment for rural women in India

Sangetta used to be reliant on her husband for income, now she is part of India's Tejaswini Rural Women’s Empowerment Programme and earns enough money as a tailor and sewing teacher to support her family and send her children to school.

Watch the video on YouTube

IFAD Video: Rural businesses adapting to the pandemic in El Salvador

Dairy producer Maynor Tejada from El Salvador explains how he and his business have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the video on YouTube

Action Track 4 and UNFSS Resources

White Paper: Action Track 4 Wave One

Read the PDF

White Paper: Action Track 4 Wave Two

Read the PDF

Video: Action 4 Public Forum 1

This event on December 1, 2020 concentrated on AT4 - livelihoods at the various points within food systems - from the small-scale farmer to the retailer - and how we advance equity throughout.

Watch the video on YouTube

Video: Action 4 Public Forum 2

In the second AT4 Public Forum, held on February 1, 2021, current thinking and game-changing ideas were presented, and participants shared their questions and insights.

Watch the video on YouTube

Video: Action 4 Public Forum 3

The second AT4 Public Forum, held on April 26, 2021, focused on transforming our food systems​ by examining solutions for equitable livelihoods.

Watch the video on YouTube

Video: Global Action Network and WorldFish

CARE CEO and President Michelle Nunn delivers a message on transforming food systems within the global fishing industry to advance equitable livelihoods for healthy people and a healthy planet.

Watch the video on Vimeo

Video: The voice of entrepreneurs are welcomed by CARE's CEO and chair of Action Track 4

CARE CEO and President Michelle Nunn's welcoming message for entrepreneurs involved with Action Track 4.

Watch the video on Vimeo

Video: UNFSS Pledge 1

CARE CEO and President Michelle Nunn explains CARE's pledge to improve food and nutrition security and climate resilience for 50 million people.

Watch the video on Vimeo

Garden Livelihoods in the Gambia