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CARE Corporate Council

CARE believes that the private sector can play a critical role in accelerating progress toward gender equality. The CARE Corporate Council convenes ambitious companies across sectors to do just that.

Launched in 2019, the CARE Corporate Council works to achieve gender equality through thought-leadership and best practice sharing among members. Leveraging the influence and reach of America’s biggest companies alongside CARE’s experience working with the world’s most vulnerable women and girls, the Council has focused its work on achieving Sustainable Development Goal #5 (Gender Equality).

The Council convenes, on average, every three months, both in-person and virtually, and often features high-profile outside speakers alongside member company representatives.

For more information on the Council, please read the 1-page summary of Council benefits and membership details or contact Sarah Moser, Director of Corporate Thought Leadership, at sarah.moser@care.org.


Thought Leadership

COVID’s Impact on Women and the Private Sector’s Rapid Response

As COVID-19 upended lives, communities, and economies across the world, women and girls felt a disproportionate impact from the pandemic. Some of the most compelling and effective response has come from NGOs and the private sector. This report shares global trends related to COVID- 19’s impact on women and how select private sector actors have responded.

Read the report
SDG5 Playbook

To help achieve global gender equality by 2030, the Corporate Council produced a Gender Equality Playbook for Business. The playbook is intended to assist companies and their employees understand what actions they can take to help achieve gender equality as defined by Sustainable Development Goal #5.

Explore the playbook
#HerVoice Leadership Series - 2022 Highlights

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, CARE partnered with leading women from the private sector for conversations about women’s leadership. #HerVoice

Watch Video
2021 Concordia Summit Panel

At the 2021 Concordia Summit, the CARE Corporate Council hosted the “Empowering Women to Face Down Global Economic and Food Challenges” panel discussion with partners Cargill, PepsiCo, and PayPal.

Watch Video

Council Members


Anheuser-Busch InBev

Booz Allen Hamilton

Colgate-Palmolive Company








Morgan Stanley

A group of CARE Corporate Council members stand together for a photo.