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Impact Reports

Supporting Adolescents to Complete Secondary School (SACS) – Results

August 24, 2023

The Supporting Adolescents to Complete Secondary School (SACS) project was a Start Small Foundation funded COVID-19 response project (2021 – 2023; USD 1,033,610) aimed at addressing educational needs and mitigate negative impacts of COVID-19 on students, teachers, and families living in poverty in six Rwandan districts. The project aimed to support 71,994 adolescents, aged 10-19 years to complete lower secondary in 9-and 12-year basic education schools. This brief outlines the key results from the project.

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Impact Reports

CARE Poland 2022 Annual Report

August 16, 2023

After World War II, CARE mobilized to send much-needed food rations, known as "CARE Packages," to Polish people and refugees devastated by war and occupation. As the war in Ukraine escalated, CARE returned to Poland to assist Ukrainian refugees. The Polish office is also active in Slovakia and Hungary and runs operations in Ukraine. Currently, CARE International in Poland aims to ensure that refugees in Poland have access to gender, education, and basic needs assistance. Working with local partners, CARE International in Poland has reached 400,000 Ukrainian refugees in the region.

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Impact Reports

Building Capital in Crisis: CARE’s VSLA in Emergencies increase savings and solidarity

August 14, 2023

Since 2017, CARE has piloted and refined our VSLA in Emergencies model to reach people in need of humanitarian assistance and provide an approach that can reduce long term vulnerability while being more sustainable. In this second report on the VSLA in Emergencies (VSLAiE) pilot research, we provide insights from three pilots in Yemen, Syria, and Jordan. This includes the end of pilot findings from Syria and Jordan as well as the results from our Yemen sustainability study. As a result of funding from IDEAL Small Grants Program, CARE has been able to return to communities in Yemen, one year after the end of the first cycle and observe the sustainability of the gains from the pilot project.

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