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Inside Venezuela, CARE is working both in Caracas and Miranda state. CARE is focusing its interventions through partners on vulnerable families, mainly female-headed households, families with children under age 5 and the elderly.

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Relief Efforts in Venezuela

CARE has been present in the Latin America and Caribbean region since 1954. CARE has been responding to the Venezuela migrant and refugee crisis with a gender sensitive approach. CARE has been implementing emergency response interventions directly and through partners (in particular, women’s organizations) in Peru and Ecuador, Colombia, and inside Venezuela. CARE focuses its response on some of the most vulnerable forcibly displaced and host community members, especially women, adolescents and girls, the LGBTQI+ population and young men.

CARE is responding in the areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Food and Nutrition Security, Shelter, and cross-cutting Cash and Voucher Assistance. In every intervention, CARE aims to include up to 30% of hosting communities in order to bolster social cohesion.

Inside Venezuela, CARE is working both in Caracas and Miranda state. CARE is focusing its interventions through partners on vulnerable families, mainly female-headed households, families with children under age 5 and the elderly.