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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Our Work

This year, CARE worked in 111 countries, reaching more than 174 million people through 1,600 projects.

A woman smiles while carrying a large piece of sheet metal.

Women are a vital part of CARE's community-based efforts to improve basic education, increase access to quality health care and expand economic opportunity for all.

Our programmatic work


Whether it is a sudden emergency or an ongoing crisis, CARE works to aid people in need around the world. Read More

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Food and Water

Hunger and malnutrition remain the leading threats to public health worldwide. 820 million people will go to bed hungry tonight, and 2 billion more don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Read More

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The story of global health in the last decades is the story of staggering inequality. Every day, about 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Read More

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Education and Work

131 million girls around the world are missing out on school, and girls are 50% more likely to lose the opportunity for education than boys. Education and the right to work are the most powerful tools in overcoming extreme poverty. Read More

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The scale and the urgency of the global climate crisis demands an augmented effort by CARE to promote climate justice to tackle the gendered consequences of climate change and the drivers causing it. Read More

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We cannot eradicate poverty and achieve social justice while inequality persists. Discrimination against women has negative implications for global security and development, economic performance, food security, health, climate adaptation and the environment, governance, and stability. Read More

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the breakdown of CARE's program work by region

  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • Asia

Our approaches


For decades, CARE has complemented our programmatic work on the ground with advocacy efforts that multiply our impact and lift up those in greatest need, especially women and girls. Read More

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Women’s Economic Justice

CARE’s Women’s Economic Justice practice engages private sector actors, uses market based approaches, puts women at the center, and leverages CARE’s local expertise and networks to help women earn, save, and invest more. This work reduces poverty and delivers equity. Read More

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Service Systems Strengthening and Social Accountability Approach (4SA)

Through 4SA, we aim to strengthen and transform structures and institutions to deliver services in ways that are accountable, equitable, inclusive, and effective. Read More

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