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Over the last several years, Pakistan has experienced an increase in the frequency and severity effects of El Nino and a decrease in rainfall during the monsoon season.

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Relief Efforts in Pakistan

CARE began working in Pakistan in 2005 following a 25-year absence. We work in some of the country’s most remote and logistically challenging areas to address the underlying causes of poverty. We work to overcome discrimination against girls and women in healthcare and education. We lobby for policy change around sexual and reproductive health and work to remove barriers to education and employment. We help communities access water and sanitation and improve their livelihood options. We also help communities prepare for disasters and provide emergency relief when it is needed.

Over the last several years, Pakistan has experienced an increase in the frequency and severity effects of El Nino and a decrease in rainfall during the monsoon season. This has resulted in acute shortages of water, food and fodder. CARE and its partners have worked in the areas of health for vulnerable populations, sanitation, hygiene and clean water to mitigate this crisis.