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CARE has worked in Vietnam since 1989. As Vietnam becomes a middle-income country, we are concentrating our work on supporting rights and sustainable development among the most vulnerable groups in Vietnam, for example ethnic minorities, poor women and girls, and people vulnerable to climate change.

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Relief Efforts in Vietnam

CARE has worked in Vietnam since 1989. As Vietnam becomes a middle-income country, we are concentrating our work on supporting rights and sustainable development among the most vulnerable groups in Vietnam, for example ethnic minorities, poor women and girls, and people vulnerable to climate change. We train women in small business management and help them participate in community development planning. We support people to sustainably manage forests and share the costs and benefits equitably. We provide water and sanitation facilities to schools, and supply information on health and safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices in communities and schools.

Vietnam suffers seasonally from natural disasters. We work with communities to prepare for drought, storms and floods. Simple, inexpensive preparatory measures, particularly those run by communities themselves, are extremely effective in limiting damage and saving lives when disaster strikes. CARE is also testing digital solutions to storm tracking and preparedness.

CARE lobbies national government to ensure that climate change policies respond to the needs of poor, vulnerable and minority communities. At the same time, we are integrating climate change adaptation into selected projects, to help poor communities adapt to climate change. For example, planting dense mangroves along the coast provides a barrier from the sea and offers livelihood opportunities for small fisheries.

With CARE’s focus on women and girls, CARE in Vietnam actively seeks to prevent gender-based violence and works with the garment industry to reduce sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace.