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In and around the city of Mosul, CARE delivers water, sanitation, shelter and household items.

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Relief Efforts in Iraq

CARE focuses its humanitarian programs in Northern Iraq. In and around the city of Mosul, CARE delivers water, sanitation, shelter and household items. In Mosul city and other areas of Northern Nineveh, CARE is also rehabilitating and equipping public health centers with medical equipment and supplies and providing nutritional and educational services to pregnant women and new mothers. CARE is also training midwives and traditional birth attendants to deliver maternal health services.  

In camps for displaced people and surrounding host communities in Northern Iraq, CARE works with partners to provide clean drinking water and hygiene items, regularly repairs and maintains the water and sanitation facilities in the camps and provides garbage collection and septic tank emptying services. This ensures that the camp’s water and sanitation facilities are operating, and people can stay healthy.