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Refugees, most of them fleeing the conflict in Syria, account for almost a quarter of the population in Lebanon.

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Relief Efforts in Lebanon

Refugees, most of them fleeing the conflict in Syria, account for almost a quarter of the population in Lebanon. Most refugee families live in unfurnished houses, work sites or tents. CARE works with local authorities to improve water supply and sanitation infrastructure for refugees and host communities, and we meet their most basic and pressing needs, including sustainable livelihood opportunities and economic self-reliance, understanding how emergencies may create or reinforce opportunities for sexual exploitation and abuse of women and girls, and protecting girls pathways to education. 

CARE began working in Lebanon in 2006, to help meet the needs of people affected by conflict. We initially worked through Lebanese partner organizations, and then through our own country office to address the needs of refugees and their host communities.  

In August 2020, two explosions in Beirut, Lebanon left hundreds of thousands of people homeless. Years later, the city and its people are still trying to recover.