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Palestine (West Bank/Gaza)

CARE has been working in the region since 1948. Today, we continue to meet humanitarian needs while also working with Palestinian communities to improve healthcare provision, water and sanitation, and to promote sustainable agriculture and livelihoods.

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Relief Efforts in Palestine (West Bank/Gaza)

We work closely with local government and community-based organizations to strengthen democracy and civil society. We particularly focus on meeting the needs of poor, vulnerable, marginalized and isolated people. We work with local organizations to increase the participation of women and marginalized groups in decision-making at all levels.

 CARE works to improve the economic well-being and resilience of low-income and marginalized communities by providing loan capital and training through partner microfinance institutions, and to increase income, agency, and market opportunity for Palestinian farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development.

A woman wearing a burgundy head scarf stands in front of a concrete wall marked with green spray paint.
photo credit: CARE / Laura Noel