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Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. More than six years into the conflict, 66% of the population needs emergency assistance, and 12.1 million are in acute need. A collapsing economy and non-existent public services mean that millions are struggling to access food, water, education, and healthcare. This situation has been exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

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Relief Efforts in Yemen

CARE has been continuously active in Yemen since 1993, addressing poverty and promoting social justice through emergency relief efforts and sustainable development projects.

CARE is operational across 13 in governorates in Yemen, delivering emergency response and recovery assistance through direct implementation and in partnership with local and international organizations.

CARE reaches 1.2 million people with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services including water trucking and hygiene kits. CARE works with communities on hygiene promotion to prevent the spread of deadly diseases like cholera and COVID-19.

We support women’s economic empowerment through improving their access to financial means, equipment, technical advice, and training so they can set up small businesses.

We distribute food, cash, and vouchers to 1.4 million people, enabling them to buy essential supplies for their families.

We work in reproductive health to train and equip midwives, rehabilitate maternity wards, and provide home delivery kits.

CARE empowers young people with education and vocational training to provide them with job opportunities.