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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Prior to 1998, CARE worked in the DRC to support Rwandan refugees who had fled there from their own country.

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Relief Efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo

CARE in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has strengthened its structure and strategy to assist the most vulnerable members of Congolese society eradicate poverty and reduce their vulnerability to social injustice. Our target groups include poor and vulnerable women, adolescent girls and boys as well as displaced and returning populations. 

CARE’s programmatic work in the DRC focuses on Humanitarian Response, Women’s Economic Empowerment, the right to Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsFood and Nutrition Security and Climate Resilience and the Right to a Life Free from Violence.  

Prior to 1998, CARE worked in the DRC to support Rwandan refugees who had fled there from their own country. In 2002, CARE returned to the DRC to help people affected by the country’s own long-standing conflict.