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South Sudan

CARE has been operating in the now independent South Sudan since the 1970s.

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Relief Efforts in South Sudan

CARE has worked in the now independent South Sudan since the 1970s, focusing on health and nutrition, food security and livelihoods, women’s economic empowerment and gender-based violence prevention and response. We have a particular focus on healthcare, working closely with local health staff to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to deliver quality healthcare. We also promote peacebuilding in order to reduce poverty, by supporting conflict-affected communities to gain better access to basic services, have a say in local development initiatives, and improve livelihoods through village savings and loan groups, vocational training and lives free from violence.

Our interventions start at community level where we respond to emergencies, build peace and strengthen resilience. Together with our partners, we:

  • Address needs and vulnerabilities in emergencies
  • Defend and promote gender equality and rights
  • Empower women and girls to achieve a more inclusive South Sudan

CARE’s experience in building resilience in fragile settings is highly relevant in South Sudan. Our approach to resilience is holistic and puts women, girls and their communities at the center: It strengthens their ability to cope better with shocks and stresses in the environment, such as conflict, intercommunal violence, natural disasters, epidemics, the impact of climate change and economic downturns. Key elements of our resilience approach in South Sudan include promoting gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, climate-smart agriculture, and strengthening social cohesion.

Learn more about the context for women and girls in South Sudan in our Gender in Brief snapshot.