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CARE is further helping poor rural communities in Benin to improve their income by supporting village savings and loan associations.

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Relief Efforts in Benin

In Benin, CARE manages long-term projects to help poor families improve their incomes and access education. Women in Benin lack legal and political status, so CARE helps girls access quality basic education and work with elected local authorities to help them deliver on their responsibilities. CARE runs a country-wide program to combat gender-based violence, working with communities and local organizations to promote behavioral change. CARE also runs programs on maternal and reproductive health, access to food, nutrition and adaptation to climate change, to help communities cope with the frequent flooding that affects the country. 

CARE is further helping poor rural communities in Benin to improve their income by supporting village savings and loan associations. When poor families have access to savings and affordable loans, they are able to plan for the future and borrow money to make small investments, such as buying seeds, livestock or farming equipment, which will increase their future earnings. 

CARE has worked in Benin since 1999.