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HIV is a major cause of extreme poverty in the country: many families are left destitute when family members fall ill or die.

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Relief Efforts in Cameroon

In Cameroon, CARE works in partnership with the government, development organizations and local communities on programs to improve incomes, protect the environment, improve access to water, provide food security, and strengthen primary healthcare.  

HIV is a major cause of extreme poverty in the country: many families are left destitute when family members fall ill or die. CARE works on HIV prevention and help communities care for children affected by HIV and AIDS.  

CARE also provides humanitarian and psychosocial support to refugees from the Central African Republic and works with communities around the refugee camps to reduce tensions between both groups. 

CARE has worked in Cameroon since 1978. 

The Lake Chad Basin Crisis

In Cameroon, 4.3 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance in 2019 – a 30% increase compared to 2018. Violence against civilians in the northwest and southwest regions continues to seriously impact livelihoods and generate acute humanitarian needs. Rainy seasons make access to goods and services even more difficult for both internally displaced people and the local population.

The Lake Chad Basin crisis is affecting more than 17 million people across northeastern Nigeria, Cameroon’s Far North region, western Chad, and southeastern Niger.

Learn more about the Lake Chad Basin crisis