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CARE Ghana prioritizes the rural and vulnerable poor – women in particular – and organizes its work around health, governance, sustainable livelihoods and education.

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Relief Efforts in Ghana

CARE began operations in Ghana in 1994. Since then the Accra office expanded to support programs in Togo and Benin under the umbrella of the CARE Gulf of Guinea country mission.

In July 2010, CARE replaced the three-country mission with country offices in Ghana and Benin, the latter of which is also responsible for a small number of activities in Togo.

CARE Ghana’s projects are primarily implemented through partnerships with local and civil society organizations. This enables CARE to further engage with government and the private sector, work effectively in coalitions, and to have the greatest possible impact. CARE Ghana prioritizes the rural and vulnerable poor – women in particular – and organizes its work around health, governance, sustainable livelihoods and education.

To learn more about CARE Ghana, chat HI to +233596992991 and opt in for updates.