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CARE established its presence in Niger in response to famine, and has worked on several food security projects since then.

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Relief Efforts in Niger

CARE established its presence in Niger in response to famine, and has worked on several food security projects since then. The program currently focuses on health and nutrition, natural resources management, education, local governance, conflict resolution, women’s empowerment, microfinance, disaster risk reduction, and emergency preparedness and response.

Further food security crises over the years prompted us to develop a food crisis early warning system. This brings together information gathered by the community, government and private monitoring agencies to help prevent future emergencies. We also work with communities on disaster risk reduction and creating sustainable livelihoods. We help reduce child malnutrition and food insecurity through integrated farming initiatives that include improving water management, distributing seeds and livestock and reforestation.

Niger is the birthplace of CARE’s successful and often-replicated Village Savings and Loan Associations program, which economically empowers women and raises their social and political status. The project is known as Mata Masu Dubara (MMD), or “ingenious women” or “women on the move.”

CARE has worked in Niger since 1974.