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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫

Health in Emergencies

A female doctor takes the blood pressure of a woman sitting across the table from her.

In 2020, 35 million women facing emergencies will need access to reproductive health care. One in 5 of these women will have experienced sexual assault.

Natural disasters, armed conflict and political unrest increase women’s and girls’ vulnerability. Crisis makes it harder to access maternal health services even as the need for them becomes more urgent. In these settings, CARE works with local partners and governments to deliver life-saving interventions. CARE takes steps to strengthen the existing health system where possible so the system can respond to future shocks.

CARE aims to deliver agile, rights-based, people-centered, gender-sensitive emergency programming that meets the needs of all people, particularly women and girls.



people accessed reproductive health care during emergencies through CARE in 2019

CARE 2019

Highlighted Health in Emergencies Programs

Adolescent Mothers Against All Odds (AMAL) Initiative

The AMAL Initiative was designed to meet the needs of pregnant adolescents and first-time mothers in areas affected by crisis.

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Supporting Access to Family Planning and Post-Abortion Care (SAFPAC)

SAFPAC aims to prevent unintended pregnancies and deaths from unsafe abortion and to provide greater access to sexual and reproductive health services in emergencies.

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