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Reproductive Health

A Nepali woman wearing a blue dress smiles while holding a baby wrapped in a light pink blanket.

CARE / Toby Madden

CARE / Toby Madden

CARE believes that all people have the right to achieve their best possible standard of health. The countries where we work have some of the highest rates of preventable maternal and child deaths in the world.

Therefore, we aim to increase access to quality health services, including sexual and reproductive health and rights services, among humanitarian and fragile settings. We work with government officials, health providers, and community groups to support high-quality, comprehensive health education and services.

Health does not come from direct services alone – individual health is impacted by larger social and community factors. CARE works at the root of these issues, fighting with communities to transform harmful power and gender dynamics and policy barriers to create an environment that makes healthy behavior possible for everyone.



births were attended by skilled health personnel through CARE's programs


Highlighted Reproductive Health Programs


TESFA+ aims to capitalize on seven years of research and program experience from TESFA (" hope” in Amharic) to unlock the power and futures of adolescent girls at scale.

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To design and test interventions that hold promise for delaying the timing of first birth among married adolescents (ages 15-19) in Niger and Bangladesh.

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Adolescent Mothers Against All Odds (AMAL) Initiative

The AMAL Initiative was designed to meet the needs of pregnant adolescents and first-time mothers in areas affected by crisis.

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Supporting Access to Family Planning and Post-Abortion Care (SAFPAC)

SAFPAC aims to prevent unintended pregnancies and deaths from unsafe abortion and to provide greater access to sexual and reproductive health services in emergencies.

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