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A group of girls from the local school smiling and holding copies of Lafaek Prima.

CARE works to increase access to quality education for marginalized children, particularly adolescent girls living in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Our programs provide tailored solutions to students facing multiple barriers to education to acquire relevant skills, creating opportunities for positive transitions to secondary school and dignified livelihoods. Our integrated approach is based on extensive research on what works to increase marginalized girls’ learning outcomes, retention, and wellbeing.

We put girls at the center of our programs and build a supportive environment for them in the community and at school. At the individual level, CARE helps girls develop their academic competencies alongside leadership and life skills, raising their confidence and voices. At the community level, we work with parents and traditional and religious leaders to shift negative gender and social norms affecting education outcomes, increasing support for girls’ education and active participation in school. We work with Ministries of Education and school staff to improve the quality of teaching, strengthen supervisory capacity, and develop gender-transformative and inclusive policies and budgeting

Highlighted Education Programs

Educate Your Children II

The Educate Your Children II / Waxbar Carurtaada II project, implemented in partnership with Educate A Child (EAC), a program of Education Above All Foundation (EAA), is opening new opportunities to education for the most vulnerable children in Somalia.

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Somali Girls’ Education Promotion Programme – Transition (SOMGEP-T)

The Somali Girls’ Education Promotion Programme addresses the barriers that prevent marginalized girls in rural and remote areas of Somalia – including girls with disabilities – from enrolling in school.

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Education Sector Program Implementation Grant (ESPIG)

The Education Sector Program seeks to increase equitable access to education and improve education outcomes for all Somali primary school children by strengthening the system’s capacity.

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Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative (PCTFI) – Cohort 3

The Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative uses action research to develop tailored models to address barriers to education, retention, and learning for extremely marginalized adolescent girls.

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Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience (SOAR)

Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience (SOAR) seeks to empower adolescent girls who have never attended school, or who dropped out in early grades, to make positive life choices.

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Azraq Film School

Through Azraq Film School, CARE seeks to provide youth in refugee and displaced contexts with creative educational opportunities in filmmaking and storytelling, and to provide them with a platform for self-expression.

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