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Hurricane Idalia slams into the U.S. Gulf Coast: Reach the most vulnerable American families with emergency help ≫


A woman wearing light pink kneels down with a basket of fresh vegetables. Behind her are large groups of eggplants, potatoes, and more vegetables.

photo credit: Picasa

photo credit: Picasa

We talk a lot about value chains within our economic development work — but what are they and why are they important? 

A value chain is the full range of activities, from production to marketing to distribution, that are required to bring a product from its conception to the consumer.

CARE promotes changes in value chains that generate positive, sustained impacts for large numbers of marginalized households in terms of income, employment, power relations, and access to products and services that empower the poor to better their lives.

Highlighted Markets Programs

Coffee Industry Support Project

The Coffee Industry Support Project works with industry stakeholders to improve women’s meaningful participation in the coffee industry and to increase women’s access to and control over income from coffee.

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Harande aims to help 270,000 people living in poor families in the Mopti region of Mali achieve sustainable food, nutrition, and income security by 2020.

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Krishi Utsho

Krishi Utsho increased farmers’ access to good-quality dairy and agricultural inputs for higher yields and improved incomes.

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Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R)

The Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity (hereafter Livelihoods for Resilience or L4R) is a 6.5-year USAID project running from December 5, 2016 through July 31, 2023 (following a cost extension received in July 2022).

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Strengthening Dairy Value Chains

The Strengthening Dairy Value Chains (SDVC) project sought to double the monthly income of small-scale producers in Bangladesh and create more sustainable livelihoods for dairy farmers by incorporating them into a strengthened dairy value chain.

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CARE’s Pathways program works in six countries to increase food and nutrition security for 65,000 women farmers, their families, and their communities.

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She Feeds the World

She Feeds the World’s goal is to improve the food security and nutrition of poor rural households, with a strong emphasis on women small-scale producers.

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Women’s Empowerment through Gender-Transformative Market Opportunities (WE-GO)

The Women’s Empowerment through Gender Transformative Opportunities (WE-GO) program seeks to increase women’s empowerment in agriculture through gender transformative market investments.

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Titukulane aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and chronically vulnerable households in Mangochi and Zomba Districts of Malawi.

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Takunda, which means “we have overcome” in Shona, will reach out to more than 300,000 participants with training and support for sustainable, equitable, nutritious and resilient food and income security in the Masvingo and Manicaland Provinces in Zimbabwe.

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Key Approaches

Dignified Work

Women want to earn income as equals. But they face many barriers in the workplace and at home.

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Push-Pull Model

To address needs for families, we need to provide both strategies that support increased economic productivity for the individuals (“push” strategies) and activities that work to increase the market opportunities and ability to work with the ultra-poor (“pull” strategies).

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CARE’s Work with the United Nations

CARE works with the United Nations to ensure that the rights of women, small-scale farmers, food system workers, the underrepresented, and marginalized populations are protected and prioritized in global food system markets and policies. CARE has also been instrumental in the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit.

Garden Livelihoods in The Gambia